Image symbolizing how to help someone with drug addiction

One of the most significant challenges in life is figuring out how to how to help someone with a drug addiction who doesn't want help. Recovery from drug addiction is challenging, even when those in need of assistance are ready and willing to work toward sobriety. It’s even harder when they don't want your help and have no interest in drug addiction therapy services. It is important to express care, concern, and support for your friend or family member without enabling them. These tips and suggestions can guide you when seeking to help a loved one struggling with addiction.

Get Educated About Drug Addiction

One of the most important things you can do to help is to learn about drug addiction. If you want to know how to help a drug addicted individual who doesn't want help, you should first understand what they are struggling with.

Drug addiction is an illness. It’s a diagnosable disease with many causes, some of which may be genetic. Individuals struggling with addiction are ultimately responsible for their behavior, but they didn’t choose addiction. Similarly, drug addiction isn’t a reflection of morality or character. Naturally, there are many addictive substances–drugs and alcohol are the most common. While a heroin addict and an alcoholic undoubtedly have different experiences with addiction, they both are suffering from a disease and have lost control of their lives to the addiction.

The biggest misunderstanding about addiction is that the individual can just stop using drugs or alcohol as if it is simply a matter of willpower or choice. Dependency on drugs or alcohol means that your body and mind have been rewired to need that addictive substance in order to function normally. Without the substance, withdrawal symptoms will occur, and they are often uncomfortable or even life-threatening.

By learning about drug addiction, you may be better able to spot symptoms. You may also be in a better position to offer treatment options and real-life solutions to those who need it most.

Set Limits and Avoid Enabling

Often, people struggling with a drug addiction want help but not recovery. They may ask for financial assistance, comfort, or a place to stay. While you may wish to assist them, setting limits is essential.

Enabling someone’s addiction can take many forms, almost all of them well-meaning. Some examples include:

  • Offering cash
  • Offering a place to stay
  • Offering to help hide the addiction from friends, family, or co-workers
  • Paying bills that they misplace, forget, or ignore
  • Picking up their slack if they are a co-worker
  • Giving them rides to or from locations that are clearly not related to school or work

This could be beneficial in the short term, but it will ultimately hinder their desire to seek true recovery and sobriety. By enabling an individual, you reaffirm that there really is no accountability for their choices and behavior and that someone will always swoop in to bail them out. Oftentimes, those struggling with addiction become master manipulators for precisely this reason.

Staging an Intervention

Staging an intervention can be a crucial step in helping a drug addict who is resistant to seeking help. An intervention is a carefully orchestrated meeting where multiple loved ones, colleagues, or family members come together to express their concerns and offer support to the addict. It can either be a surprise or a planned event, depending on the circumstances.

Many individuals struggling with drug addiction often exhibit a certain level of denial. They may be reluctant to acknowledge the severity of their problem or may not feel ready to embark on the journey of recovery. However, an intervention serves as a powerful tool to confront them with the profound impact their addiction has on their loved ones and their own well-being. By shedding light on the consequences of their actions, an intervention can serve as a catalyst for them to seek treatment earlier rather than later, ultimately paving the way for a brighter future.

How to Help Someone with Drug Addiction Who Doesn't Want Help

If you decide to stage an intervention, it is crucial to be prepared for immediate follow-up. Take the time to plan and organize the logistics in advance, ensuring that it is easy and quick for individuals struggling with addiction to start their treatment journey. This may involve arranging immediate transportation to a reputable treatment facility that suits their specific needs and circumstances.

In addition to addressing the practical aspects, it is also important to consider the financial aspect of recovery. Gathering information about health insurance coverage and exploring the availability of treatment facilities can greatly assist in providing comprehensive support to your loved one. By taking these extra steps and being thorough in your approach, you can make a significant difference in their journey towards recovery.

Substance Addictions Treated at San Antonio Recovery Center

At San Antonio Recovery Center, we treat a wide variety of substances. No matter your substance use disorder, we're ready to help you start your road to recovery. From alcohol to cocaine to prescription drugs, San Antonio Recovery Center has the treatment you need to succeed. Substance addictions treated at San Antonio Recovery Center include but aren't limited to:

Help Someone Get the Help They Need

Helping someone confront a drug addiction when they are in denial or don't want help is challenging. It takes a combination of compassion and firm boundaries to ensure you are actually helping a loved one and not enabling their addiction from well-meaning intentions. At San Antonio Recovery Center, we're ready to help those in need of drug addiction treatment. The sooner you get them help, the sooner they can regain control of their life.

Call 866.957.7885 right now if you’re seeking a true means of recovery for yourself or a loved one.

Now is the time to focus on your recovery.


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