
Drug addiction is a rising problem in the United States. Drug-related deaths remain a problem on the mind of every mental health professional. As evidence-based therapy modalities are explored, clinicians are discovering the benefits of a recreational therapy program. Music therapy is one component of recreational therapy, and it is showing promise for those with a substance use disorder.

The music therapy program at San Antonio Recovery Center allows people to heal and solidifies their recovery. If you are in the midst of an addiction, reach out to our team today by calling 866.957.7885 or completing our online form to see if our music therapy program may be an effective component of your treatment plan.

music therapy for addiction

What Is Music Therapy?

One physician defined music therapy as: “Music therapy is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It employs a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery.”

With music therapy for addiction, people find release for deeply buried emotions. They are able to express feelings that they may have a difficult time saying with words. Finally, music triggers memories of the past, even some of unresolved conflicts or pain. At San Antonio Recovery Center, you can learn more about the connection between music therapy and addiction.

How Does Music Therapy for Addiction Work?

Music therapy for addiction is more than simply listening to, moving to, singing, or creating music; a certified music therapist needs to be in charge of its oversight and direction. The participant, however, doesn’t need any music training. In fact, the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) indicates that it is helpful regardless of musical background.

A session may consist of any number of activities. The therapist will decide about which direction to take the session based on the client’s needs, preferences, and interests. Some therapists may focus on listening, while others may work more with creating. More than likely, there will be a mix of different things.

For example, some clinical music therapy activities include:

  • Lyric analysis
  • Relaxation
  • Songwriting
  • Musical games
  • Improvising music based on emotions
  • Moving to music using emotions to guide

Benefits of Music Therapy Programs

Likewise, research confirms that music therapy is beneficial for those with substance use disorder. Some of the findings are as follows:

  • Movement to music helps reduce depression, anxiety, and stress
  • People are more willing to participate in music therapy than other types of therapies
  • Drumming has been found to aid people who have had difficulties with relapsing

However, these are just a few of the benefits that are backed by research. Please note, there are also other positive results from a music therapy program such as:

  • The client is more relaxed
  • Promotes an atmosphere of openness
  • Taps into the emotional side of your brain
  • Music triggers dopamine in the brain, which makes the participant feel good
  • Music allows clients to say things that may be difficult to say

Programs at San Antonio Recovery Center

If you have a substance abuse disorder, music therapy can make such a difference. Finding the right program will inspire you to work towards sobriety and help you achieve your goals. At San Antonio Recovery Center in San Antonio, we offer a recreational therapy program that includes music therapy. Our devoted therapists work tirelessly to lead people out of the darkness of drug addiction into the light of a new life.

Also, using only evidence-based methods, you are assured of gaining results in your therapeutic journey. Some of our therapies include:

Additionally, our affordable clinic serves San Antonio, Texas, and the surrounding areas. Likewise, by providing an accurate diagnosis, advanced treatment modalities, and a supportive environment, our comfortable facility is a safe haven for your journey to health.

Discover The Healing Power of Music Therapy for Addiction

Music therapy has been proven to be an effective component of addiction treatment. At San Antonio Recovery Center, our music therapy program can be a method of healing for people in recovery. If you are interested in our music therapy program for addiction, reach out to our team today by calling 866.957.7885 or completing our online form.

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