woman holds hand to head with compromised immune system worried about coronavirus fever

The Dangers of a Compromised Immune System

Everyone is living in unusual times with the COVID-19 pandemic, and no one is sure what the future looks like. As more states ask people to stay at home or to shelter-in-place, it’s easy for stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions to become overwhelming. Within a few short weeks, everyday life has drastically changed. The urge to reach for substances may occur in this scenario. However, it can lead to a compromised immune system that is particularly dangerous with the virus going around.

The Increased Risk of COVID-19 for a Person with a Compromised Immune System

For many people, a COVID-19 infection passes without any symptoms or mild flu-like ones. However, at-risk groups are quite vulnerable to contracting this illness. Furthermore, at-risk groups have a higher probability of death or permanent organ damage. Hospitalization is frequently needed for someone with a compromised immune system. It’s entirely possible that you would need to get moved to the hospital’s intensive care unit.

The coronavirus infection can infect your lungs and cause them to fill with liquid. It becomes harder and harder to breathe without medical intervention. In the most severe cases, other organs become damaged or shut down entirely due to a lack of oxygen.

Since COVID-19 is a new virus, it lacks either a cure or a vaccine. It’s extremely contagious, and the number of cases is growing exponentially. Staying healthy and avoiding activities that can lead to a compromised immune system is of critical importance.

The Negative Impacts of Drugs on the Immune System

If you find yourself turning to drugs during these stressful times, you should know what it does to your immune system. Drug addiction can result in someone focusing their attention on making sure that they have a steady supply available. Eating, drinking, and sleeping properly fall by the wayside, which reduces the immune system’s ability to work properly.

In addition to this risk, obtaining illegal substances may require you to interact with others during quarantine or end up in unhygienic environments that could be infected with the coronavirus. While you’re under the influence of drugs, you may not remember to wash or sanitize your hands.

You end up in a lot of situations that could lead you to contract COVID-19. Drugs may lead to reactions with any medications given to you during the course of treatment. Going through withdrawal while having this illness could lead to serious complications.

The Benefits of an Addiction Treatment Program During a Pandemic

Being at home in isolation from your normal routine and activities creates an environment where you could be tempted by drugs or alcohol. However, it also creates an opportunity to get help for your addiction. You have the time to go through an inpatient addiction therapy program to have support readily available to help you through this pandemic.

Trained medical professionals are on-hand to guide you through the detox process and to provide many therapeutic options for a personalized plan. You don’t have access to the source of your addiction, which allows you to begin the recovery process. In addition to helping you through the withdrawal process, the addiction treatment program also helps you understand what drives the addiction and the areas of your life that need to be addressed to reduce the risk of relapsing.

A lot is uncertain as this pandemic unfolds, but putting off addiction treatment can have a devastating consequence through a compromised immune system. Contact us at 866.957.7885 to learn more about our addiction treatment programs and the steps we’re taking to ensure that it’s safe during COVID-19.

Now is the time to focus on your recovery.


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