
These are unprecedented times that we are faced with. San Antonio Recovery Center is not unlike other small businesses that have been adversely affected by this pandemic.  SARC businesses have seen a decrease of more than 60%. How we respond as a business, as well as employees, will have a long impact on those we serve and our community. Karen and I have decided to implement a SARC CARES initiative. This initiative is guided by three principals: our clients and their families, our employees and their families, and our San Antonio Community.


The disease of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is not going away during these difficult times, in fact, the pandemic may exacerbate the circumstances of those in need of services. San Antonio has seen an increase of more than 55% in alcohol sales and an increase of more than 20% in domestic violence. SARC remains open to screen, assess, and serve those needing residential, detox, and outpatient services for SUD. Under our SARC CARES initiative, our clinical team is tasked with identifying and assisting in the remediation of any unmet needs of families our clients.

SARC employees are our true heroes, they work tirelessly to ensure that all our client’s needs are taken care of.  SARC CARES initiative is committing to keeping everyone employed at, or close to, the same levels as prior to the pandemic.  Our Culebra facility will undergo extensive renovations during this period. Some of which will be executed by our SARC heroes. SARC CARES will also support employees volunteering their time at local nonprofits to accumulate their hours of work.

Lastly, our SARC CARES initiative has divided employees into three different teams. Each team has been given $2,000.00 to distribute to a worthy nonprofit organization in San Antonio. Teams will document their research, meetings, and findings culminating with a presentation to the SARC operations team. At the conclusion of these meetings, Karen and I will select one of these nonprofits to give an additional $10,000.00 donation to. It is in giving that we receive.

Our biggest hope with our SARC CARES initiative is that we can become closer to our Father and increase in love for one another.

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