people in group therapy discuss alternatives to aa

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a 12-step treatment program that helps those with alcohol use disorder to stop drinking. Those in this program may not find that it offers them the best fit for what they need in a recovery program. Consequently, not everyone will find complete recovery from only going to AA meetings. If you are among those people, don't lose hope. You can still recover because there are alternatives to AA that provide different types of support.

What Is AA?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a 12-step program that involves group therapy to help people to overcome problem drinking. By using a series of group discussions and partnership with a mentor, the program helps alcoholics to become sober for life. However, the success of this program lies heavily on the participant to attend meetings and to follow through with not drinking. For those who have daily temptations to drink, this process can be extremely difficult and not for everyone. Though some people will incorporate AA as a means of staying sober after undergoing an alternative treatment.

Who Might Need Alternatives To AA?

First, those who can benefit from attending AA meetings usually do. These people do not need additional or alternative treatments to help their condition. However, certain groups of people may find a better treatment fit through other recovery programs, even if those options also use the proven 12-step method as the basis of care.

The first concern about AA is that it does not provide medical or psychiatric care, which some people with serious alcohol addictions might need. Mental illnesses often accompany drinking problems, but AA will not provide the therapy needed to help the mental health concern. For instance, someone who has alcohol use disorder and schizophrenia would need dual diagnosis treatment for both co-occurring conditions. This person cannot get such a service through AA meetings alone.

Next, AA may make some people feel uncomfortable to attend meetings. For example, the percentage of women who are AA members averages 38%, but some women may not feel good talking about their alcohol use experiences in front of men. For these women, a women's alcohol addiction recovery program may suit their needs better.

Lastly, people who may need regimented care and complete isolation from alcohol will not benefit from AA meetings alone. These people need a residential treatment program to learn a new life routine without alcohol.

What Are Alternatives To AA?

As noted, you don't have to only attend AA meetings in your journey to recovery. In fact, many people go through a more intense treatment program at a rehab center and follow up with AA meetings. Some of the options you have at our facility include that following:

Find Other Ways To Recover

Recovery does not have a single method that works for everyone. Because at San Antonio Recovery Center, we understand that everyone is different, we offer a range of programs. With more variety, you may be more likely to find a good fit for what you need. After you complete treatment, you can choose aftercare through follow-up AA meetings to help you to avoid relapse.

If you have tried AA before and found that alone it didn't help you, you are not alone. You may need more intensive support and treatment than AA can offer. Instead of letting alcohol run your life, take charge of yourself. Contact us at San Antonio Recovery Center by phone at 866.957.7885 to connect with one of our trained staff. You can learn about the many alternatives to AA we offer and how you can start your way back to sobriety.

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