man participates in online alcohol counseling

Telemedicine for alcohol treatment is a new concept, but everything is changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And if you’re not keeping up, you’re falling behind. Outpatient programs typically require the patients to check into the treatment facility several times a week for a minimum of nine hours and as much as 30. Now that you can attend counseling sessions virtually on your computer, there is no excuse for not being present and getting your life in order. Maybe the pandemic has given you the time to reflect on who you want to be and what you want to achieve in the coming years. By focusing on your sobriety, you will be in a better place than when you began this journey. Virtual addiction aftercare is now available from anywhere. There is no commuting. There is no searching for a rehab center in the area you live in. You can pick the right spot to recharge your life and address your issues with alcohol dependency. Take advantage of it while you can.

What to Expect from Online Alcohol Rehab

Telemedicine has been around for a while. Doctors worldwide regularly check in on their out-of-town patients who may have flown in for an operation but can’t hop on a plane every time they need a check-up. Some treatment programs are cost-prohibitive, but telemedicine is an affordable option that can make the difference in whether you receive treatment or not. There is more flexibility in scheduling, no waiting or commuting, and you can do it all from the comfort of your home. Those who could not make it to a facility or communicate with their therapist daily can now check in on their phones, text, and send video messages. Both medical professionals and their patients are adapting to the new normal.

Advantages of Virtual Rehab

Not everyone is motivated to get up and out of the house to go to a drug rehab center. A missed appointment here, a skipped counseling session there, it begins to add up. And as anxiety starts to overwhelm you, why bother even getting out of bed. Well, now you can tune into your virtual rehab program from the comfort of wherever you choose, be it your office, your car, or even your bed. More and more people are working from home, and many companies, due to the pandemic, have begun to reassess their priorities. They are finding out that what makes a productive employee and a happy employee is the same thing. As people work from home, they have more agency in how they conduct their lives. You have the same chance to put yourself first, which is what recovery should be all about.

Reach Out to San Antonio Recovery Center Today

Online alcohol counseling and virtual rehab programs, in general, are changing the face of addiction treatment. It is no longer required that you be physically present at the facility to receive treatment and the coffee is better at home anyway. Those anxious moments sitting in the car trying to summon the nerve to walk into a treatment facility are a thing of the past. Stop procrastinating, open up your laptop, and join in. At San Antonio Recovery Center, we use the 12-step method and have a wide array of therapies available, including individualized care. We offer both women’s and men’s alcohol rehab programs so you can feel comfortable opening up with a group of peers who understand your perspective. Join us in person or virtually. We can be reached online or at 866.957.7885 for you to take the first step on your journey to wellness and recovery.

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