The idea of withdrawal can be scary, especially when it comes to a drug like heroin. It’s is something that most people who develop an addiction go through at some level. There are many factors involved in withdrawal, so it’s rarely the same for everyone. It may be different each time a person goes through detox, too.
Do you need the help of a heroin detox center? Call us today at 866.957.7885 for more information.
Heroin is an opioid, a class of drugs that kills tens of thousands of people each year. Because heroin tends to be less expensive, it is commonly known as a street drug that people can inject, sniff, snort, or smoke. Studies indicate that up to six percent of people who once abused prescription opioids eventually switch to heroin.
Heroin is fast-acting, which is another reason it is so popular on the streets. The drug enters the brain very quickly and binds to receptors that manage pain and pleasure. As it binds to these receptors, it triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that give you a feeling of euphoria. Over time, the brain starts to require heroin to release the feel-good chemicals, creating a dependence on the drug. It’s this dependence that leads to withdrawal.
Withdrawal occurs when someone stops using a drug when they have a physical dependence on it. Heroin affects the chemical makeup of the brain. Withdrawal is the brain trying to find balance again.
Withdrawal symptoms can be both mental and physical. They vary depending on how long somebody has been using, how much they have been using, and the person’s individual physiology. Withdrawal from heroin use is often described as flu-like symptoms.
Withdrawal affects each person differently based on a number of factors. These include the average quantity of the drug used, the length of the drug use, and even genetics. All of these can play a role in the severity of withdrawal.
Heroin withdrawal can be especially challenging, and it usually starts with cravings. The brain associates that release of feel-good chemicals with heroin, so it thinks you need it. It creates that craving sensation to push you to take the drug.
Other signs of withdrawal symptoms include:
People get very agitated as they go through heroin withdrawal. They may yawn frequently and develop a runny nose. Not every person experiences the same signs of withdrawal, though.
Although heroin withdrawal is not usually dangerous, it is very uncomfortable, but you don’t have to go through it alone. San Antonio Recovery Center (SARC) offers a comprehensive detox program that means you have access to medical supervision as you withdraw.
The benefits of a supervised detox program available at SARC are two-fold. It ensures you won’t be able to go out and get heroin. The staff can also provide you with comfortable care to ease some of the symptoms. Medication can help with bone and muscle, for example. They can provide fluids to prevent dehydration and help keep you warm or cool.
The care and attention offered at SARC’s detox program mean you are more likely to succeed in quitting heroin. You will have the space and time to focus on getting better without worrying about where your next dose is coming from or how you will pay for it.
After completing detox, you will be able to move into one of SARC’s residential treatment programs. Here you will receive group and individual therapy as well as have access to recreation and other activities. You will also learn about how to live a life without heroin and develop the tools you need to stay clean.
Heroin detox is just of many services offered at SARC. San Antonio Recovery Center offers a full spectrum treatment program that includes:
SARC also follows a 12-step philosophy as part of our treatment model, which helps you build a strong support system. Treatment can involve medication to help control cravings, individual therapy, and meetings with peers. SARC offers a 90-day program. Experts in the field recommend treatment for at least 90 days to have the best chance at long-term sobriety.
Heroin doesn’t have to control your life. And although you will likely go through withdrawal, the SARC detox center can help keep you comfortable as you do. Give us a call at 866.957.7885, or contact us online to find out more.
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