woman refusing glass of wine for No Alcohol November

November is the beginning of a holiday season that often includes alcohol. If you wonder if drinking alcohol is a problem in your life, you might consider one of the current rages - No Alcohol November. Should you consider enjoying no alcohol for November this year?

What Are The Benefits of Taking a Break From Alcohol?

The goal of No Alcohol November is to give you a break from drinking alcohol to see how you feel. It’s a chance to assess your relationship with alcohol and gain perspective. Consider asking some basic questions one or two weeks into the challenge, such as:

  • How often was I drinking before?
  • What were the reasons for my drinking alcohol?
  • How does drinking make me feel?
  • How do I feel now that I’m not drinking?

Once you take a step back and look at your alcohol consumption with a more sober viewpoint, you can make some choices about the role alcohol plays in your life.

How to Succeed at No Alcohol November

If you decide you want to try this challenge, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of making it the month. First, don’t do it alone. Get a few buddies to do the challenge with you. No Alcohol November will be easier if you do it with friends and family.

Also, plan for functions where you will be tempted to drink. For example, bring your own drink to Thanksgiving and have it served in a wine glass. Also, chronicle your challenge on social media or a blog.

Just writing things down shows you how well you are doing and helps keep things in perspective. It will also give you something to reflect on if you think you might have a problem with alcohol. Keep your posts honest and as detailed as possible.

Finally, get a sponsor — one person you can call if you are thinking about taking a drink. Sponsors are an integral part of 12-step programs like AA and something you can use to stay on the sober path, as well.

What If You Don't Make The Month?

Failing to complete the No Alcohol November challenge does not necessarily mean you have alcohol use disorder. There are many possible scenarios. There is no judgment involved in this challenge; it simply gives you a chance to review your drinking to see how it affects your life. There are some things you want to watch for, though.

If you start drinking again because you have an intense craving for alcohol that you can’t let go of, that would be a clear sign of an addiction. Also, if you feel sick or start to have withdrawal, then your body is dependant on the drug, and stopping cold turkey might not be safe for you.

At San Antonio Recovery Center, we offer many different drug addiction programs, including one for those with an alcohol use disorder. We also provide a continuum of care that starts with detox. Managed detox gives you a safe way to stop drinking.

Contact San Antonio Recovery Center

San Antonio Recovery Center provides services such as:

At San Antonio Recovery Center, we believe that healing requires a full spectrum of services. We work with you to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Our alcohol addiction rehab program consists of behavioral therapy and medication to make overcoming addiction easier.

If you think alcohol is impacting your life, now is the time to get help. Call us today at 866.957.7885 for more information on our alcohol addiction program.

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