woman gets help from her doctor in a substance abuse treatment center near austin tx

Do you have a loved one who suffers from a drug or alcohol addiction? Are you searching for substance abuse treatment near Austin, TX?

You may have noticed that there are an overwhelming amount of options and choices available to you and your loved one. While it might seem difficult to choose from amongst the myriad options, you can make the right choice if you keep your focus on finding a treatment solution that’s right for you and your family.

Your Options for Substance Abuse Treatment near Austin, TX

When searching for substance abuse treatment near Austin, TX, keep in mind that you don’t have to stay within the city limits of Austin to get quality care. In fact, it can often be beneficial for someone struggling with addiction to go outside the city when searching for medical care.

A little bit of distance between your home and the drug rehab center you choose can carry several benefits. First, you’ll have a lot more choice with respect to which facility you choose. Second, you’ll be able to rely on that little bit of space between you and the people and places that may contribute to your substance abuse. These few miles between you and your favorite drinking or using locations can help tremendously. Finally, the physical distance and experience of traveling for rehab can help you reaffirm your commitment to sobriety.

Look for Evidence-Based Practice

If you’ve spent any time at all looking for substance abuse treatment near Austin, TX, you’ve almost certainly noticed that, not only are there a large number of rehab centers to choose from, but also each one seems to offer a different kind of therapy. While 12-step programs are certainly popular, there are also programs based on cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication-based programs, and faith-based programs, among others.

While we can’t say for certain that one specific treatment is right for every single person, we do strongly suggest that you consider facilities that utilize evidence-based practices in all their treatments. Evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to those treatments that have been experimentally validated and proven safe and effective for use in addiction and mental health therapy.

Find Customized Treatment

When looking for substance abuse treatment near Austin, TX, you may also give some thought to choosing a rehab that emphasizes the needs of the individual client. The best substance abuse rehabs customize their treatments and programs around the needs of the individual. That's because each client has a unique biological makeup and life experience that contributed to their addiction.

The drug and alcohol addiction rehab programs at San Antonio Recovery Center are specially designed for each client. Our clinical staff goes to great lengths to cater treatments to each client’s particular needs. We begin with a short intake assessment and then work with you to find treatments that address your unique physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. Some of the treatments available to clients include:

Let San Antonio Recovery Center Help You

Lasting rehabilitation is difficult but possible. Therefore, at San Antonio Recovery Center, we do everything we can to make sure that you’re supported during every step of your journey to sobriety.

So contact San Antonio Recovery Center today to learn about the evidence-based practices and customized therapies we use to help patients combat alcohol and other drug addictions. We offer:

  • Residential treatment
  • Inpatient treatment
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Aftercare treatment
  • 12 step programs
  • 90-day treatment

Call us at 866.957.7885 to find out how San Antonio Recovery Center can assist you. Let us help you make tomorrow better than today.

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